Hello, I've recently (yesterday as I write this) gotten into the game Bomb Party.
The game works like this, you get a prompt for example: sms or ko and you have to type a word which contains that prompt within it, for example: 'organisms' or 'koala'. If you can't think of a word in time the bomb goes off and you lose a life. This goes around in a circle until one person is left who becomes the winner. It's pretty simple.
Now an additional rule is that if eventually you are able to type out every letter then you get a life back. This encourages you to look for longer and more complicated words. So instead of typing 'organisms', you might instead want to type out 'antidisestablishmentarianisms'.
Of course aside from any practical reasons, I think it's really funny and silly and cool type out long words like 'acetylphenylhydrazine' or 'antiferromagnetism'. I was also really inspired by this blog post and the people I met in random public rooms.
I am planning on learning these words on this quizlet and then I'll try and learn some of the the hyphenated words.
Heres a list of the words I like:
Okay yeah I haven't learnt that many words yet...